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    • Wysoki kontrast
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Join those who shape the socio-economic consensus!


About the project

The program enables young people from various socio-economic backgrounds to participate in the Economic Forum and other conferences organized by the Institute for Eastern Studies, such as the Economic Forum or the European Congress of Local Governments, on preferential terms. Active young people are given the opportunity to participate in discussion panels and contribute to them with the aim of increasing the sense of social solidarity and the desire to limit the development of the negative phenomenon of the “tragedy of the commons” described by Garrett Hardin.

Project objectives

  • Providing opportunities for active young people from different backgrounds to participate in discussions during the Economic Forum and other conferences.
  • Increasing the diversity of intergenerational discussions.
  • Integrating representatives from different young communities during the Forum.
  • Supporting pluralism of worldviews and striving for consensus in public discourse.
  • Providing comprehensive support to partner organizations in between conferences.
Project objectives

What participants say

Parlament Młodych RP

Parlament Młodych RP

Partner Młodzi@Forum

Polska Rada Organizacji Młodzieżowych

Polska Rada Organizacji Młodzieżowych

Partner Młodzi@Forum

Zwolnieni z Teorii

Zwolnieni z Teorii



Partner Młodzi@Forum



Partner Młodzi@Forum


Jan  Berdychowski

Jan Berdychowski

Marketing Manager
[email protected]
22 583 11 43

Grzegorz Szczepański

Grzegorz Szczepański

Koordynator Programu Młodzi@Forum
[email protected]

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